About WebCrawler - WebCrawler
About WebCrawler - WebCrawler: "About WebCrawler Overview WebCrawler is simply the easiest way to find better search results from more of the Web. Get Better Results, Easier WebCrawler uses innovative metasearch technology to search the Internet's top search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, About, Teoma, FindWhat, LookSmart, and many more. With one single click, WebCrawler searches the best results from the combined pool of the world's leading search engines -- instead of results from only one single search engine. And WebCrawler makes it easy to refine your search so you can find the most meaningful results right away. No wonder it's a leader in the search industry. But don't take our word for it - try a search and see for yourself. Or, take a crash course in metasearch. History WebCrawler was 'born' on January 27, 1994 and was originally a desktop application. WebCrawler went live on the Web in April of 1994, (April 20 to be exact) and handled its one-millionth query in November of the same year. WebCrawler joined AOL in 1995, and was acquired by Excite in 1997. Hunter (originally called 'Spidey') joined the team on September 4, 1999. And in 2001 WebCrawler joined the InfoSpace team. About Hunter For more details on WebCrawler's mascot, see his bio. Contact Us Have a question, comment or other bit of feedback about WebCrawler? Contact us and pass it along."
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