Sunday, August 29, 2004

Hunter's Biography - WebCrawler

Hunter's Biography - WebCrawler: "Hunter's Biography Biography Hunter was born and raised in the Northwest United States. He was originally named 'Spidey' but changed his name in 2001. He also recently changed shades from his original brown color, to a dark blue tone - it's just a sign that he's fully grown. Type of Spider: American Web Crawler Gender: Male Birthday: Hunter was born on September 4, 1999. Love Interest: As of right now, Hunter is currently single and playing the 'Web'. Hobbies: Fly fishing, reading classic 'suspense' novels and athletics of all kinds, especially the 8-legged race. Need picture of Hunter Favorites * Band - No Doubt - To Hunter, there may never be another song written like 'Spiderwebs'. He thinks it's 'catchy.' * Author - Tie between E.B. White and Stan Lee. It's probably pretty obvious probably why - but do a search if you're not quite sure. Hunter also likes * Helping People. Hunter loves to use his Web-spinning abilities to help you capture better results on the Web, without ads. It's his way of giving back to society. * Having Fun. � Having Fun. Hunter enjoys hanging around with others and having a good laugh. He loves jokes, horoscopes and enjoys getting dressed up for certain holiday celebrations. Take a look at his past costumes. Dislikes * Banner ads, buttons and pop-up ads * Searching with only a single search engine * Birds, cats and other spider connoisseurs"


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